Recycle For Rewards



R4R Ventures, has created a unique program of mission-driven financial incentives and industry strategies we believe will enhance of our vision of a circular economy for single-use plastics and aluminum containers.

R4R Ventures has developed an innovative environmentally-based model that will increase recycling rates for both plastic bottles and aluminum cans through a state-of-the-art Rewards Program that is free to consumers.


For the first time, R4R has created a unique rewards program that provides a real incentive to recycle beverage bottles and cans thru our Reverse Vending Machine network.

In the ten states that offer bottle deposit programs, (“cents-per-bottle”) if users return bottles and cans, they do nothing more than get their money back. In these states, consumers are required to post a deposit in advance. If they do not return the bottles, they lose their deposit. That can get very expensive.